Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

Course Content

Understanding learners needs

Video 10 of 45
3 min 20 sec
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Understanding Learner Needs in Education Training Courses

Importance of Recognising Individual Learner Needs

Recognising individual learner needs is critical in education training courses to ensure effective support.

Diverse Learner Needs

Individuals may have specific needs such as:

  • Dyslexia: Tailoring assessments and questions to accommodate learners who struggle with letters.
  • Dyscalculia: Considering alternative question formats for learners with numerical challenges.
  • Hearing or Visual Impairments: Ensuring classroom setups support lip-reading or visual accessibility.
  • Physical Disabilities: Providing appropriate classroom access and facilities.
  • English as a Second Language: Adapting teaching methods to support comprehension.

Additional Considerations

Other needs that may require attention:

  • Financial implications affecting course participation.
  • Medical conditions necessitating specific accommodations, such as diabetic students needing regular snacks.

Implementing Support Strategies

It is crucial to correctly identify and understand each learner's specific needs to provide effective support and use appropriate terminology in educational assignments.