Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

Course Content

Leading a session - additional points

Video 40 of 45
5 min 59 sec
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Session Planning Essentials

Understanding the Core Components of a Session Plan

Introduction: Detailing the structure and key elements of a session plan.

Defining Specific Aims and Learning Outcomes

Specify the aim of the session and outline the expected learning outcomes for learners.

SMART Approach to Learning Outcomes

Use SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) criteria to define learning outcomes.

Promoting Equality and Diversity

Ensuring fairness, inclusion, and equal opportunities for all learners in the session.

Integration of Functional Skills

Embedding functional skills like English, Maths, and ICT relevant to the subject matter.

Understanding Learner Backgrounds

Identifying the number and diverse backgrounds of learners participating in the session.

Key Points for Session Completion

  • Aim: Clearly state the session's aim.
  • Learning Outcomes: Define at least four specific learning outcomes.
  • Equality and Diversity: Describe how inclusivity will be achieved.
  • Functional Skills: Outline relevant functional skills integrated into the session.
  • Learner Backgrounds: Specify the number and backgrounds of attending learners.


Final Thoughts: Complete all sections of the session plan meticulously for effective delivery, whether in a virtual or classroom setting.