Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

Course Content

Session Plans

Video 17 of 45
2 min 32 sec
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Creating Effective Session Plans for Teaching

Understanding the Role of Session Plans

Session plans are integral to the teaching process, working in conjunction with the scheme of work:

  • Link to Scheme of Work: Session plans detail how to implement the overall course structure.
  • Facilitate Substitute Teaching: Essential for another instructor to seamlessly deliver the lesson.

Components of a Session Plan

A well-structured session plan includes:

  • Unit Title: Clearly states the session's topic and purpose.
  • Key Details: Instructor's name, session date, location, course topic, start time, and duration.
  • Detailed Breakdown: Specific time allocation for each learning objective.
  • SMART Objectives: Goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely.
  • Required Resources: List of materials and tools needed for effective teaching.
  • Assessment Strategy: Methods to evaluate learner progress and achievement.
  • Incorporating Additional Elements: Include provisions for equality, diversity, and embedded functional skills.

Tips for Creating and Using Session Plans

Effective strategies for developing and utilizing session plans:

  • Detailed Planning: Draft session plans with thorough detail, akin to a script, covering all topics and outcomes.
  • Continuous Improvement: Review and adapt session plans based on teaching experience and learner feedback.
  • Documentation: Keep notes on adaptations and corrections made during teaching sessions.

By following these guidelines, educators can ensure that session plans effectively support teaching objectives and facilitate a structured learning experience.