Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

Course Content

Learning approaches and methods, resources and assessment

Video 12 of 45
2 min 21 sec
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Learning Approaches and Methods in Teaching

Overview of Learning Approaches

Learning approaches, also known as methods, are crucial for effective teaching. They encompass various techniques tailored to engage learners:

  • Presentation: Delivering information verbally or visually.
  • Practical Demonstration: Showing how something is done.
  • Activities: Engaging learners through practical tasks.
  • Role Play: Simulating real-life scenarios.
  • Case Studies: Analysing real or hypothetical situations.
  • Question and Answers: Formal and informal exchanges to test understanding.
  • Discussions: Facilitating group or one-to-one debates.
  • Research or Self-directed Study: Encouraging independent learning.
  • E-learning: Utilising digital platforms for learning.

Utilisation of Resources

Effective use of resources enhances both knowledge and skills acquisition:

  • PowerPoint Slides: Use visuals and headings to aid memory retention.
  • Flip Charts: Write and display information for visual reference.
  • Books and Handouts: Provide supplementary materials for self-study.
  • Various Forms: Adapt resources to suit learners' understanding and engagement.

Assessment Approaches

Assessment is vital for evaluating learning outcomes:

  • Knowledge Assessment: Tests, quizzes, and written assignments.
  • Skill Assessment: Observations, role plays, and practical demonstrations.
  • Varied Methods: Use multiple assessment methods throughout sessions.

All assessments should be integrated into teaching sessions to foster motivation, progression, and achievement.