Education and Training Prep Course

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Completing assignments - part 5

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3 min 59 sec
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Assignment 5: Embedding Functional Skills and Selecting Resources

Introduction to Functional Skills

Assignment Focus: Explain methods to embed functional skills (Maths, English, ICT) within your specialist area and discuss the selection of resources to support learning.

Embedding Functional Skills

Functional skills encompass Maths, English, and ICT (Information Communication Technology). It is a government initiative to integrate these skills discreetly or fully within teaching. In your specialist area, identify:

  • Maths: Examples include calculating percentages of burns or CPR counts.
  • English (Literacy): Utilizing handouts, manuals, and PowerPoint presentations for reading and comprehension.
  • ICT: Tasks such as researching information or using virtual learning environments.

Selecting Resources

Resources play a vital role in facilitating learning. Consider:

  • Your course materials: PowerPoint slides, handouts, and manuals.
  • Interactive tools: Quizzes, role-playing cards, and simulation models like mannequins or bandages in first aid.
  • Industry-specific equipment: For instance, harnesses in height safety training.

Ensure that resources align closely with your teaching objectives and enhance the learning experience for your students.