Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

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Learning Styles

Video 14 of 45
4 min 1 sec
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Understanding Learning Styles

Different Ways People Learn

People have diverse learning styles, influencing how they absorb information:

  • Some lessons involve traditional teaching with the teacher at the front.
  • Other lessons combine talks with practical work.
  • Research tasks or eLearning courses are also common.

Effectiveness of Learning Styles

Research indicates varying retention rates based on different learning methods:

  • Reading: Retention is about 10% after 3 days.
  • Hearing: Retention increases to around 20%.
  • Seeing (Demonstration): Retention improves to about 30%.
  • Seeing and Hearing: Retention can reach up to 50%.
  • Discussion and Active Participation: Retention may soar to 90%.

Summary: Incorporating reading, hearing, seeing, and active participation maximizes information retention.

VARK Learning Styles

The VARK system categorizes learning preferences into:

  • Visual Learners: Prefer seeing visuals like videos and diagrams.
  • Auditory Learners: Learn well through listening and discussion.
  • Read/Write Learners: Excel with reading, note-taking, and writing.
  • Kinesthetic Learners: Thrive with hands-on activities and practical demonstrations.

Discover your preferred learning style by completing a questionnaire to assess how you best absorb information.

Adapting Teaching Methods

Once you identify the learning styles in your group, accommodate them with a variety of teaching media:

  • Use PowerPoint and written materials for visual learners.
  • Encourage group discussions for auditory learners.
  • Demonstrate concepts and provide practical exercises for kinesthetic learners.
  • Incorporate videos and interactive elements to engage all learners.

By integrating these methods, you can effectively cater to the diverse learning styles of your students.