Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

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Citing and Referencing a Book

Video 42 of 45
3 min 24 sec
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Guide to Citing and Referencing

Understanding Citing and Referencing

Citing: Incorporates others' work in your assessment with brief references.

Referencing: Includes full source details at the end of your work.

Process of Citing

When citing, follow specific guidelines depending on whether you are using direct quotations or paraphrasing.

Direct Quotations

Use quotation marks and provide author's last name, year of publication, and page number in brackets, e.g., "Inclusive learning is about ensuring your learners have the opportunity to be involved and included in the learning process" (Gravels, 2013, p.1).


Rephrase another's ideas in your own words and acknowledge with the author's last name and year of publication in brackets, e.g., Inclusive learning gives learners the opportunity to be involved (Gravels, 2013).

Rules for Citing

  • Include author's last name, publication year, and optionally page number.
  • Ensure citations are brief and lead to detailed references at the end of the document.

Understanding Referencing

Referencing provides full details of all sources cited in your work.

Formatting References

Consistently format references to facilitate easy retrieval of sources.

Steps to Referencing a Book

Follow these steps:

  1. Author's last name, first initial.
  2. Year of publication in brackets.
  3. Title of the book in italics.
  4. Place of publication: Publisher.

Include series and volume numbers if applicable.