Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

Course Content

Scheme of Work

Video 18 of 45
4 min 41 sec
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Scheme of Work: Understanding and Implementation

Overview of Scheme of Work

The scheme of work is a structured document outlining the details of how lessons are planned and executed:

  • Course Coverage: Encompasses the entire course duration and session breakdown.
  • Flexibility: Allows for adjustments to meet course requirements and organizational changes.

Components of a Scheme of Work

A scheme of work typically includes:

  • Course Title: Specifies the qualification or program title, e.g., Level Three Award in Education and Training, RQF.
  • Instructor Details: Identifies the course instructor(s) responsible for delivery.
  • Course Description: Details the core qualifications and specific learning outcomes.
  • Group Information: Lists participant details and maximum class size.
  • Schedule: Includes session dates and total number of sessions.
  • Delivery Hours: Specifies contact and non-contact hours, accounting for breaks.
  • Venue: Designates the location of the course.
  • Course Aim: States the overarching goal of the course.
  • Class Information: Provides additional relevant details about the class.

Session Plan Details

Each session within the scheme of work includes:

  • Date and Time: Scheduled delivery date and time.
  • Learning Objectives: Specific objectives or learning outcomes for the session.
  • Activities and Resources: Materials and activities planned, such as icebreakers or teaching aids.
  • Assessment Methods: Techniques used to assess learner progress, like questioning or discussions.
  • Equality and Diversity: Strategies to promote inclusivity and diversity within the session.
  • Functional Skills: Integration of practical skills relevant to the session content.

Using and Adapting the Scheme of Work

Utilizing and modifying the scheme of work for effective teaching:

  • Review and Adaptation: Review the existing scheme for improvements and adaptations.
  • Implementation: Follow the scheme while remaining open to enhancements based on experience and resources.
  • Continuous Improvement: Explore different teaching methodologies and media to enhance learning outcomes.

Access a sample scheme of work in the course's download section for further reference and guidance.