Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

Course Content

Inclusion Equality and Diversity

Video 5 of 45
2 min 20 sec
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Inclusion, Equality, and Diversity in Teaching

Understanding Inclusion

Inclusion ensures all learners feel part of the lesson at all times, promoting engagement and participation.

  • Address learners by their names to foster a sense of belonging.
  • Consider using name badges or name cards for easier identification.
  • Organise classroom layout to encourage interaction and inclusiveness.

Promoting Equality

Equality guarantees all learners have equal rights and opportunities in training, free from discrimination based on race, age, disability, sexual orientation, or other factors.

  • Avoid any form of discrimination within the learning environment.
  • Ensure assessments and teaching methods are fair and accessible to all.
  • Adapt lessons as necessary to accommodate diverse needs, such as disabilities.

Valuing Diversity

Diversity involves respecting and appreciating individuals from all backgrounds and identities.

  • Promote a non-judgmental approach and treat everyone with respect.
  • Conduct initial assessments to ensure all learners are included and supported.
  • Plan lessons that celebrate and embrace the differences among learners.

Legislative Framework

The Equalities Act 2010 consolidates legislation to promote inclusion, equality, and diversity in education, placing responsibility on teachers to uphold these principles.


As educators, it is our duty to create an inclusive, equal, and diverse learning environment where every learner feels valued and respected.