Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

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Functional Skills

Video 19 of 45
1 min 50 sec
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Embedding Functional Skills in Teaching: A Practical Guide

Government Initiative on Functional Skills

There is a government initiative to integrate functional skills like English, Maths, and ICT into all training programs:

  • Purpose: Enhance basic skills across various subjects.
  • Implementation: Incorporate skills such as reading, writing, numeracy, and ICT into lessons.

Embedding English Skills

Integrating English skills into lessons can be achieved through:

  • Reading PowerPoint slides and handouts.
  • Engaging learners in reading and discussing relevant sections.
  • Promoting writing, listening, speaking, and group discussions.

Embedding Mathematics Skills

Integrating Mathematics skills involves:

  • Applying calculations or measurements related to the subject.
  • Incorporating mathematical problems into session activities.

Embedding ICT Skills

Integrating ICT skills includes:

  • Practical tasks like emailing documents and conducting online research.
  • Using presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint) and spreadsheets for data analysis.

Implementation Tips

While embedding functional skills is beneficial, it may not apply to every session equally:

  • Identify opportunities to integrate skills throughout the course.
  • Adapt lessons to include practical exercises that reinforce functional skills.
  • Encourage learners to apply these skills beyond the classroom setting.

By integrating functional skills, educators enhance both subject knowledge and essential life skills, contributing to comprehensive learning experiences.