Education and Training Prep Course

45 videos, 3 hours and 16 minutes

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Teaching Principles

Video 16 of 45
8 min 15 sec
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Basic Teaching Principles for Effective Learning

The Role of the Teacher in Effective Teaching

The teacher's role is crucial in creating an engaging and productive learning environment:

  • Ensure Engagement: Foster active participation and enjoyment in learning.
  • Achieve Learning Goals: Ensure all learners meet assessment criteria, learning outcomes, and objectives.
  • Establish Productive Environment: Set ground rules, understand learner motivations, and build satisfaction with the course.

Planning a Successful Class

Key considerations when planning a class:

  • Assess Learners' Existing Knowledge: Tailor teaching to suit learners' current understanding.
  • Define Learning Objectives: Clarify assessment criteria, session plans, and required resources.
  • Justify Learning Needs: Understand why the subject is important to learners individually and collectively.
  • Plan Effective Teaching Methods: Use examples, practical activities, and multimedia to enhance learning.
  • Sequence Lesson Appropriately: Ensure logical progression in teaching and learning activities.

Assessment Strategies

Choosing appropriate assessment methods to evaluate learning:

  • Select Assessment Types: Decide between formal tests, continuous assessment, or practical evaluations.
  • Create a Safe Environment: Adhere to health and safety guidelines, support learners' needs and concerns.
  • Encourage Interaction: Facilitate discussions, guide questions, and encourage group activities.
  • Use Diverse Teaching Tools: Employ visual aids, technology, and real-world examples to engage learners.
  • Utilize Peer Learning: Tap into learners' experiences to enrich the learning environment.

By implementing these principles, teachers can create a supportive and effective learning environment where all learners can thrive.