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Completing assignments - part 2

Video 27 of 45
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Assignment 2: Legislative Requirements and Codes of Practice

Overview of Assignment 2

Assignment Focus: Identify key legislative requirements and codes of practice relevant to your subject and organization.

Importance of Personalisation: This assignment centres on your specific role and environment; avoid merely listing acts and codes.

Guidelines for Assignment 2

  • Select Relevant Legislation: Choose legislations and codes applicable to your work environment, focusing on their significance.
  • Avoid Excessive Lists: Do not submit a bullet-point list of acts and codes; instead, provide concise descriptions.
  • Include Essential Acts: Every assignment must cover:
    • Equality Act 2010
    • Health and Safety Act 1974
    • Data Protection Act 2018
  • Consider Codes of Practice: Research applicable codes of practice such as:
    • Institute for Learning's Code of Practice
    • Pro Trainings Code of Practice (if applicable)
  • Research and Incorporate: Explore your workplace for additional codes of practice, often found in induction materials.

Writing Approach: Structure your assignment with brief descriptions of selected legislations and codes, demonstrating their relevance to your professional context.